Вата, питта, капха доши. Аюрведа

doṣa (санскр. दोष) — термин, объясняющий явление постоянной изменчивости и испорченности, недостатка.

Доша (√duṣ + ^a)

Образуется от корня duṣ (दुष्) — портить.

Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London: 1899
  1. duṣ in comp. for «dus» (p. 488).
  2. duṣ cl.4.P. «duṣyati» ("-te" {MBh.}; pf. «dudoṣa»; fut. «dokṣyati, doṣṭā» {Siddh.:} aor. «aduṣat» {Pāṇ. 3-1, 55}; «adukṣat» {Vop.)}
  3. to become bad or corrupted, to be defiled or impure, to be ruined, perish; to sin, commit a fault, be wrong {AitBr. ChUp. MBh.} &c.: Caus. «dūṣayati» (ep. also "-te") see under «dūṣa; doṣayati» ({Pāṇ.} 6-4, 91)
  4. to spoil or corrupt (the mind).

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona: 1890
duṣ 4 P. (duṣyati, duṣṭa)
  1. To be bad or corrupted, be spoiled or suffer damage.
  2. To be defiled or violated (as a woman &c.), be stained, be or become impure or contaminated; Pt. 1. 66; Ms. 7. 24, 9. 318, 10. 102.
  3. To sin, commit a mistake, be wrong.
  4. To be unchaste or faithless. --Caus. (dūṣayati-te, but dūṣayati-te or doṣayati-te in the sense of 'making depraved' or 'corrupting')
  5. To corrupt, spoil, cause to perish, hurt, destroy, defile, taint, contaminate, vitiate, pollute (lit. and fig.); na bhīto maraṇādasmi kevalaṁ dūṣitaṁ yaśaḥ Mk. 10. 27; purā dūṣayati sthalīṁ R. 12. 30, 8. 68, 10. 47, 12. 4; Ms. 5. 1, 104; 7. 195; Y. 1. 189; Amaru. 70; na tvevaṁ dūṣayiṣyāmi śastragrahamahāvrataṁ Mv. 3. 8 'shall not sully, violate or break &c.'
  6. To corrupt the morals, demoralize.
  7. To violate or dishonour (as a girl or another's wife); Ms. 8. 364, 368.
  8. To abrogate, rescind, annul.
  9. To blame, censure, find fault with, speak ill of, accuse; dūṣitaḥ sarvalokeṣu niṣādatvaṁ gamiṣyati Rām.; Y. 1. 66.
  10. To adulterate.
  11. To falsify.
  12. To refute, disprove.

Словарные статьи леммы Доша

Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London: 1899
  1. doṣa m. evening, darkness (only {BhP.}, where personified as one of the 8 Vasus and husband of Night, vi, 6, 11; 14)
  2. doṣa f. see next.
  3. doṣa m. rarely n. ( «duṣ») fault, vice, deficiency, want, inconvenience, disadvantage {Up. Mn. MBh. Kāv.} &c.
  4. m. badness, wickedness, sinfulness {Mn. R.}
  5. m. offence, transgression, guilt, crime (acc. with "ṛ" or «labh», to incur guilt), SrS. {Mn. MBh.} &c.
  6. m. damage, harm, bad consequence, detrimental effect («naiṣa doṣaḥ», there is no harm; «ko'tra d-», what does it matter?) {Mn. MBh. Kāv.} &c.
  7. m. accusation, reproach ("-ṣaṁkṛ" or "-ṣeṇa-gam" with acc., to accuse) {R.}
  8. m. alteration, affection, morbid element, disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body, viz. «pitta, vāyu», and "śleṣman", 1 [cf. «tridoṣa» and «dhātu»], applied also to the humours themselves) {Suśr.}
  9. doṣa m. (also "-ṣaka") a calf {L.}

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona: 1890
doṣa, doṣika, doṣin See under duṣ.

Н.Н. Wilson, A Dictionary in Sanskrit and English, 2nd ed., Calcutta 1832
  1. doṣa m. (-षः) 1 Fault, defect, blemish.
  2. Sin, offence, transgression.
  3. Disorder of the humours of the body, or defect in the functions of bile, circulation, or wind.
  4. A calf.
  5. E. दुष to be defective, affix घञ्.

Cлово «доша» в ведийских писаниях:

iyaṁ hitvā dayamānaṁ pṛñcadbhir māṁ vāyaso doṣād dayamāno abūbudhat ||


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